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The ABS Emissions Reporter™ is a smart digital tool that allows owners and operators to input annual reports and monitor the status of their IMO Data Collection System (DCS) and EU Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) review process.
Whether you have an existing EU MRV plan in place or are starting from a blank slate, ABS offers compliance tools and solutions that help you meet IMO DCS requirements.
As of January 1, 2019, owners must have a documented plan in place to monitor CO2 emissions. IMO DCS regulations require companies to update their existing Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) to document the methodology that will be used to collect the required data and the processes that will be used to report the data to the ship's Administration.
ABS Support
For owners who have an existing EU MRV plan in place, necessary data is likely already collected for EU compliance. ABS offers an easy-to-use template to help owners fill in the gaps between EU MRV and IMO DCS compliance.
For those without an existing EU MRV plan, ABS offers a simple template to support a compliant SEEMP.
Once the SEEMP has been updated, ABS can assess the SEEMP for inclusion of the methodology and the processes that will be used to collect and report the air emissions requirements data and issue a Confirmation of Compliance.
At the end of each calendar year, the collected emissions data is required to be aggregated into annual values and reported by the company to the ship’s Flag Administration or Recognized Organization for verification and subsequent transmission to a central database managed by the IMO. After the required emissions data has been submitted to, and verified by, the Administration or the Recognized Organization, a Statement of Compliance is issued.
Monitoring starting on January 1, 2018 |
Monitoring starting on January 1, 2019 |
Monitoring plans and emission reports using EC electronic templates |
SEEMP amendments to include the data collection and reporting methodology |
Reporting of additional information, such as cargo carried, emissions while at berth, total transport work and average energy efficiency |
Reporting of fuel consumption, hours underway and distance travelled |
Data verification by Verifiers accredited by the European national accreditation bodies |
Data verification by the Administration or Recognized Organization |
Detailed verification activities based on ISO 14064 part 3 principals, similar to the one applied in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) |
Verification activities as defined by the Administrations, taking under consideration the IMO Guidelines |
Data will be transferred and stored into the THETIS-MRV automated Union information system |
Data will be transferred and stored into an IMO database for further analysis in support of ongoing IMO decisions |
By June 30th each year, the EC shall make publicly available the information of ship’s CO2 emissions and other relevant information |
Identification of a specific ship and Administration will not be possible. Parties shall have access to the anonymized data strictly for their analysis and consideration |
Need more info? We're here to help! Have a member of the ABS team contact you.
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